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Saturday, August 12, 2006The Week's Excellent ReadingsBennett, Barone, Sowell, and other luminaries lead the list. Favorites William Bennett tells the story of slavery's role in the US Constitution. This book excerpt is a subtle, thorough, and concise analysis of a complex topic some folks like to misinterpret for their own political gain. Perhaps more significantly, William Bennett calls a spade a spade, with respect to the war on terror. Michael Barone talks sense on immigration and more. If you think zoning is a boring topic, it's because you haven't read John Leo on the subject. Admittedly, this is not precisely the zoning the local planning commission is accustomed to considering. Feel free to laugh, as long as you're in a zone that permits it. George Will writes mostly of Israel and Hezbollah. Austin Bay catalogs July's bloody events and suggests they may bode well, not ill. Thomas Sowell is in fine, sensible form here, and it begins with "Studies prove . . ." And here's Part II of Thomas Sowell's, "Studies prove . . . ." Part III of Thomas Sowell's discussion illustrates from his own experience a couple of reasons for doubting things on which all experts supposedly agree. Michael Zak of the exploits and the character of one of the original Republicans, Thaddeus Stevens Newsfakers Wanted: Experienced stage managers to win the war for Hezbollah. Who knew that theater major could be put to use on the front lines? Jack Kelly writes about the propaganda war and its limitations. Also needed: PhotoShop experts to aid Hezbollah in producing horrific images for the international BMA. Thomas Lifson writes. The bloggers caught one fraud; Reuters will need to replace him. Jack Kelly comments on the same fraud, noting:
Kathleen Parker makes an important point:
Islamamok and Beyond Michael Behe writes from within Lebanon of his hope that Israel will not terminate its campaign until Hezbollah's hold on his country is broken. Suzanne Fields asks, Where is Churchill when we need him, or the English language for that matter? By the way, Churchill foresaw some difficulties with radical Islam. Paul Greenberg has an excellent suggestion of a name for the current war in the Middle East :"Hezbollah's War." He has some other worthwhile insights, too. I read this cogent piece by Jeff Jacoby and am inclined to observe, "The BMA are insane." Maybe you'll think otherwise. Speaking of crazy, Mark Steyn has some strong words about the lunacy of the world's fondness for the proportionate response. Rich Lowry writes of the "one percent world" we live in. Melanie Phillips writes,
See if you think two rude punks in Wal-Mart are an enlightening analog to Hezbollah. Mike Adams does. Jonathan V. Last notes that democracy sometimes goes badly wrong. This interesting Michael Portillo article about Tony Blair includes this felicitous phrase: "Blair refused to be neutral between the fire and the fire brigade." Joel Mowbray wonders why we don't wonder how the terrorist of Seattle came to do what he did. (A thought: Mel Gibson, who can't drive drunk, resist arrest, or be an anti-Semitic jerk without dominating headlines for weeks, could probably get off scot-free from the media for murdering multiple Jews in cold blood in a major American city -- as long as he converted to Islam first.) Mike Gallagher says the the Left has no answer to this week's thwarted terrorist attacks. Watch for a particularly chilling invocation of the words, "I'm a schoolteacher." Cal Thomas has some excellent questions with some wholly inadequate answers about our prosecution of the war on Islamic fascists. National Politics I: Lieberman Paul Greenberg muses on the plight of Senator "Lonely Joe" Lieberman and his Party. Peggy Noonan writes intelligently of the Lieberman defeat and its implications. Dick Morris analyzes the next election with Joe Lieberman on the ballot. Joshua Micah Martin has a different theory about the Lieberman defeat and its meaning. Charles Krauthammer recounts the history which he thinks is repeating itself in the Democratic party. Hint: Think back to McGovern. Jonah Goldberg add some insights into the Democratic Party's electoral purge of Joe Lieberman. Writing for The New Republic, Thomas B. Edsall says the Lieberman defeat is a symptom of a serious deficit of electability in the Democratic Party. Michael Barone ponders a possible McCain-Lieberman 2008 presidential ticket. National Politics II: Miscellany John H. Fund analyzes Senator Harry Reid's obstructionism and looks at some historical parallels. Barbara Kellerman says today's political leaders aren't as effective as those in the past, suggests a reason why, and offers a solution which will see counter-intuitive to some. Byron York reports on Democrat John Conyers, who hopes he is a few months from chairing the House Judiciary Committee, whence he can continue his ongoing project to impeach President Bush for crimes dreamed up by left-wing bloggers and their fellow travelers. In a contest between Senator Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, my money's on Rumsfeld. Robert Novak reports on last week's clash. Matt Towery recounts what he knows of the weird immediate aftermath of Cynthia McKinney's defeat in Georgia. Robert Novak offers news of several campaigns of national interest. The Culture (Broadly Defined, as Usual) Coach Nick Saban declined an invitation to dine with the President, not for political reasons. Paul Jacob thinks that's excellent, and I'm not going to say he's wrong. James J. Kilpatrick muses delightfully on the subjunctive. Jennifer Roback Morse has identified a second third rail of US politics (Social Security being the first). She makes an excellent point, and the policy implications are quite interesting. She says inflammatory things like this:
Coming soon to a reality near you: designer babies. Or not. Debra J. Saunders writes. You didn't think the conservative praise for an Oliver Stone film could be unanimous, did you? Brian M. Carney praises the film for doing well what it attempts, but wishes it said something about why the towers fell on 9/11: terrorist attack.
Rebecca Hagelin says actual parenting is the key to keep kids safe in a filthy world. Who knew? Quoth she:
Jonathan Garthwaite lists seven long-term effects of teenage exposure to pornography in this discussion of the dangers readily available to children and youth on the Internet. You could easily substitute "Utah" -- or any other geographical location -- for "Kansas" here. When Maggie Gallagher worries that something is wrong with men, it's not the same old feminist dogma. And she's not kidding. Marvin Olasky has some amazing stories of natural disasters which humans have made a lot worse. He asks,
"Nice Doggerel: Hounding the Poet Laureate" sounds like a Burt Prelutsky line -- and it is. Versified comedy awaits you. Clarence Page discusses Bill Cosby's message and frustrations. Heather MacDonald profiles the "skeptical conservative." Miscellany James Lileks has some fun with Cuba's ailing dictator. (What? They had a spare Castro?) Debra Saunders profiles a really bad idea in California. Stay tuned for her closing question. John McCaslin offers his own miscellany of curious items, one of which contains a quotation no dad would ever want to hear from his daughter. Economics (and Politics) I'm not an auto industry expert, but Jerry Flint seems to make good sense on why GM and Ford are barking up the wrong turnaround tree. Thomas Sowell sees a glimmer of hope in the response to Chicago's new $10 per hour minimum wage. Worried about oil prices? Ronald Bailey says:
Walter Williams is talking about the minimum wage, but he's also posing the question, how can two groups with the same motive come to completely opposite conclusions? Lawrence Kudlow explains that supply-side tax incentives do all sorts of nice things -- an almost untold story.
American Fork and Environs Amy Choate-Nielsen reports on the American Fork property tax increase for the Deseret News. Caleb Warnock does the same in the Daily Herald. . . . As does Tyler Peterson in the Salt Lake Tribune.
![]() Copyright 2006 by David Rodeback. |